Knowing when & how to water your plants is the key to keep them healthy. Overwatering is the most common cause for a dead plant. Here are some tips for watering your plants.
Plant Type
Every plant has specific water requirements, there are plants originating from hot and dry climates like deserts and plants from warm and humid environments like rainforests.
For example, plants like cactus and succulents need a very little amount of water because they store water in their thick leaves while other foliage (leafy) plants need to be water more often to keep the soil a bit moist.
Plant Location
If you have plants that are near a window with direct sunlight, you will notice that the soil dries quicker than plants that are placed in corners or away from direct sunlight. Also, humid air keeps soil moist for longer than dry air.
Most plants prefer to be watered when the soil is dry (except few plants like Ferns). Watering on exactly the same day every week may do more harm than good, unless the plant is fully dry. Use your fingers to easily determine soil moisture levels. Another way to tell if your plants need watering is to lift their pots to determine their weight. Dry plants weigh less than wet plants.
Every plant has a different pot size, plants in large pots dry out more slowly than plants in smaller pots. In general, plants with drainage holes should be watered until you see water coming out of the drainage holes. If your plant is planted in a pot without a drainage hole, the amount should be very little because the extra water will sit at the base of the pot and damage the roots. We recommend keeping the plastic grow pot and placing it inside the decorative pot.
Always get rid of the extra water after few minutes, don't let it sit in water for a long time.

During the summer when the sun is more intense, smaller plants might need to be watered more regularly, about once every 1-2 weeks or so, compared to once a month in winter or less. Make sure the humidity levels stay high during hotter months.
Water Quality
It is best to always use filtered water instead of regular tap water as it could contain heavy and harmful minerals. It's recommended to leave the water overnight to evaporate chlorine.